Monday, December 24, 2012

How to get long nails

* Stop compulsive nail biting
  First off, if you’re a chronic nail biter, you will need to nip this habit in the bud. Nail biting surely damages the nail. Stopping cold turkey is one option, but easier said than done for most of us. To kick this habit, consider purchasing nail polishes that are specifically designed to turn off nail biting by carrying a strong, offensive taste. Another option is to see a hypnotist to turn you off of nail biting once and for all
* To make nails grow faster, take a multivitamin supplements and eat yogurt every day."
* Wear rubber gloves whenever you use soap and water or do any kind of manual activity; and have them larger than your usual glove size.
* Always keep a coat of some type of polish, even clear polish, on your nails for protection.
* Massage nail beds once a day for about ten seconds per nail. It is easy and you can do it anywhere!
* To make your nails grow faster drink lots of milk or eat a lot of food with vitamin D
* Use your fingers, not your nails, to pick things up. This, of course, is easier said than done! If you have long nails, use the sides of your fingers.

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